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Why are we expanding the marina?

The Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management, in partnership with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, is planning to begin construction of an expansion to the Bear Lake marina in early 2025. The 2005 Bear Lake State Park Resource Management Plan originally identified the need for Marina expansion to accommodate additional visitors through expanded boat ramps and additional slip availability. In 2016, Utah State Parks completed a programming study to identify the scope and cost of a Marina Expansion. In 2022, funding was approved for the Marina Expansion project. There are several key points supporting the expansion and improvement of the marina:

Flowing Material
Improved Lake Access

The current marina does not adequately support boat launches when water levels are low. An additional boat ramp is needed for future recreational access. The expanded area of the marina will be deeper than the existing marina to accommodate larger boats and all water conditions.

Flowing Material
Protection of
the Water Resource

Busy days on the lake lead some boaters to launch their watercraft outside the marina; in turn, they forgo important inspections for invasive species that may affect the biology of the lake. Improved access will lead to proper inspection.

Flowing Material

Recent re-configurations of the existing marina entrance and exit have improved conditions, but any marina expansion work will necessitate future traffic studies. An expanded marina will provide emergency services with quicker access to the lake and boaters with a quicker evacuation method in the event of sudden inclement weather.

Flowing Material
Increased Capacity

Increased visitation over the past several years requires additional boat slips and parking for vehicles and boat trailers.

In February 2023, a site was selected for the marina expansion.


The latest design rendering and features map can be viewed above. An additional rendering is available on the documents page. Final design is still underway.


After careful evaluation, the project team selected the West Beach North concept as the future site of marina expansion. Learn more about the selection process below.

Which sites were considered for the expansion?


Various potential sites on the lake were considered. These sites were narrowed to four for in-depth comprehensive evaluation: Rendezvous Beach, at the south end of the lake; Rainbow Cove, at the east end of the lake; West Beach North, at the west end of the lake north of the existing marina; and West Beach South, at the west end of the lake south of the existing marina. All four sites underwent an evaluation process that weighed the challenges, opportunities, and impacts associated with each site.


What criteria determines if a site is the best option to move forward with?

The West Beach North site was chosen by the Utah Department of Natural Resources and the Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management due to the low comparative environmental impact, availability of utility connections and access points, established operations and maintenance facilities, proximity to local lodging, and cost.


How will the expansion at the West Beach North site handle issues with parking?

The West Beach North site will add hundreds of parking spaces for cars and several dozen parking spaces for trailers. The exact number of spaces will be determined after design of the expansion is finalized.

How will the expansion at the West Beach North site handle issues with traffic and access to the new marina?

The Bear Lake Marina Expansion design team is currently evaluating several options for getting vehicles into the new marina as efficiently as possible.

The final access design of the marina will be incorporated into future traffic studies performed in the area by UDOT. While these studies will include close collaboration with the Bear Lake Marina Expansion design and construction team, any adjustments to US-89 and/or roads surrounding Bear Lake will ultimately be determined by UDOT.

How will the expansion at the West Beach North site handle overcrowding at the lake?

The additional boat ramp and slips will provide improved efficiency entering and exiting the lake.


We anticipate that additional capacity and improved efficiency will both reduce queue lengths entering the marina and boat congestion exiting the lake during storm events.


When will construction start? How long will it last?

Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2025 and last approximately one and a half years. However, the schedule is subject to change based on factors such as supply chain issues, material availability, and weather. An anticipated schedule will be shared when more information is known.

What type of amenities can we expect to see with the expansion?

Features that might be included in the expansion include fairways, picnic facilities, fueling stations, dry storage parking improvements, and a concessionaire building.

What types of construction impacts/disruptions can we expect to see during construction of the expansion?


The details of construction impacts are not yet known. However, workers, active construction and equipment, dust, noise, and vibration in the vicinity of the proposed marina are anticipated. We intend to keep the existing marina open and operational during construction of the new marina. 

How will safety improve with the new expansion?

A key priority of the expansion is to provide boaters with quicker evacuation options in the event of sudden inclement weather and alleviate bottlenecks caused by a rush of boaters coming in or out of one marina.

How will the expansion tackle issues with launching boats in lower water levels?


The proposed marina expansion plans to have a deeper marina and boat ramp to allow launching in lower water conditions. 

When can we expect to see more on the east side of Bear Lake?


Currently, there are no additional plans or funding allocated for marina facilities beyond what is being proposed with this project. Utah State Parks is developing additional camping facilities at Rainbow Cove and may make additional marine and non-marine improvements at State Park facilities on the east side of the lake in the future. 

Have a question you don't see answered here? Reach out to the project team.

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